
Sophia Might Mean Wisdom

An archive of writings, belonging to a certain Sophia.

Welcome to my blog

My name is
Sophia Ngayam Lungleng Shongzan.
I am currently a university student, majoring in English.

Here is my blog which includes a number of my writings and other creative experiments. I hope you find some enjoyment in browsing around.

Posts of Interest

5 Crucial Seconds

Sophia Ngayam Lungleng Shongzan

I thought: I should kiss her now. I didn’t want to be hasty, but I felt right. I had to respond to the butterflies she put in the pit of my stomach, and the moment felt like destiny, so I did.

So it began – my crucial five seconds.



Sophia Ngayam Lungleng Shongzan

Though the service was a terrible punishment the morning silence was pleasant. I hated his voice, it was annoying. Still, because he earned a more than comfortable salary, it was bearable.


Lamb to the Slaughter

Sophia Ngayam Lungleng Shongzan

PROMPT: Write an adaptation of the last scene of ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ by Roald Dahl (after the murder) in 30-40 dialogues.

In fifteen minutes he was back with a page of notes, and there was more whispering, and through her sobbing she heard a few of the whispered phrases-”…acted quite normal…very cheerful…wanted to give him a good supper…peas…cheesecake…impossible that she…”


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5 Crucial Seconds

I thought: I should kiss her now. I didn’t want to be hasty, but I felt right. I had to respond to the butterflies she put in the pit of my stomach, and the moment felt like destiny, so I did.

So it began – my crucial five seconds.

The Blue Suitcase

“Bought a special blue suitcase to fit all her clothes, books and gifts for the family…”


Though the service was a terrible punishment the morning silence was pleasant. I hated his voice, it was annoying. Still, because he earned a more than comfortable salary, it was bearable.

Sophia Might Mean Wisdom

Feel free to reach out if you’re looking to hire/collaborate on some work. You can fill the Contact Form provided on this blog (in ‘About’), or find me on either of my socials linked below.


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